Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a chemical inventory audit?

A: A chemical audit involves scanning each of your chemical barcodes, adding and replacing barcodes, adding chemical locations and sub-locations, and helping with chemical organization.

Q: Why is my chemical inventory being maintained?

A: EHS maintains an online chemical inventory to facilitate state and federal regulatory reporting (ex. Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Protection Agency, Right to Know, etc.). The chemical inventory provides EHS with lab specific chemical hazard information and this, in-turn, helps EHS provide site specific training. In addition, the chemical inventory provides local emergency response crews with hazard information.

Q: Do I need to login to the Chemical Inventory Database every time I use my chemicals?

A: No. EHS does not expect researchers to update quantities in the database each time a chemical is used. EHS encourages you to update your chemical inventory to the Chemical Inventory Database when:

Q: Will you be auditing gloveboxes and freezers?

A: The Chemical Management Unit would like an inventory of the items in gloveboxes and freezers. Please have an excel spreadsheet with barcodes of what is in each of your gloveboxes and freezers.

Q: Who do I contact with more information?

A: Please send us an email at

Q: How do I get a barcode for a chemical?

A: If a chemical you have does not have a barcode fill out the CSU Self-Audit and Barcode Request Form.

This is located under the chemical management tab and under the publications or click this link: CSU Self-Audit and Barcode Request Form

Fill out the sheet with the correct info and then send it to

Q: What do I do to my chemical inventory when I use up a chemical?

A: You can:

Link to Chemical Management FAQ Page

For questions relating to other aspects of Chemical Management visit this link: Chemical Management FAQ Page
